The Unsung Gas Heros


Photo Courtesy : Outlook India.


The recently released Mini TV Series “Railway Men” ( on Netflix directed by Shiv Rawail with star cast of Babil Khan, Kay Kay Menon, R Madhavan, Divendu, Mandira Bedi and Juhi Chawala is getting rave reviews.  The series has shown the Gas leak on the night of 2nd December 1984 and havoc it caused for the Passengers passing through the Trains at that moment. The Union Carbide factory having very close to Bhopal Station posed a great hazard to incoming trains.

The Deputy Station Superintendent of Bhopal Station Ghulam Dastgir, who was on duty on that fateful night showed exemplary presence of mind. He let go the Gorakhpur Express standing on the platform 20 minutes earlier which was against the rules. He also didn’t allow other trains to reach the Station saving Thousands of lives. He also helped the passengers and Staff present on the station to combat this deadly menace.

Post Gas disaster, it was time to save the victims and help them with their treatment and rehabilitation. I could recall many volunteers who did extraordinary work during that time. There were many dangers in this job like infection from the dead bodies.

One of volunteer was our Teacher G. D. Muley Sir. He was Sanskrit Teacher. He was married but had no issue. He was a dedicated Teacher.  His mastery over his subject was great. Muley Sir was also an active member of RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh).

He volunteered for the RSS Team sent out to help Gas Victims. Sir took his work very seriously. He worked 15 – 16 hours daily among Gas Survivors. This relentless work took its toll and his lungs got infected which he got to know later.

After a few months, his health started deteriorating. He used to take rest and as and when he felt healthy, return to his work. This continued for 4-5 years. He never complained about it.

He died a few years ago as an unsung hero.


Every time when there is a mention of Gas Tragedy, his face flashes to my memory. There are many like Muley Sir, who served the humanity and never expected anything in return.

@Ashish Kolarkar


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